157 | What are regular expression patterns |
158 | What is a RegExp object |
159 | How do you search a string for a pattern |
160 | What is the purpose of exec method |
161 | How do you change the style of a HTML element |
162 | What would be the result of 1+2+’3′ |
163 | What is a debugger statement |
164 | What is the purpose of breakpoints in debugging |
165 | Can I use reserved words as identifiers |
166 | How do you detect a mobile browser |
167 | How do you detect a mobile browser without regexp |
168 | How do you get the image width and height using JS |
169 | How do you make synchronous HTTP request |
170 | How do you make asynchronous HTTP request |
171 | How do you convert date to another timezone in javascript |
172 | What are the properties used to get size of window |
173 | What is a conditional operator in javascript |
174 | Can you apply chaining on conditional operator |
175 | What are the ways to execute javascript after page load |
176 | What is the difference between proto and prototype |
177 | Can you give an example of when you really need a semicolon |
178 | What is a freeze method |
179 | What is the purpose of freeze method |
180 | Why do I need to use freeze method |
181 | How do you detect a browser language preference |
182 | How to convert string to title case with javascript |
183 | How do you detect javascript disabled in the page |
184 | What are various operators supported by javascript |
185 | What is a rest parameter |
186 | What happens if you do not use rest parameter as a last argument |
187 | What are the bitwise operators available in javascript |
188 | What is a spread operator |
189 | How do you determine whether object is frozen or not |
190 | How do you determine two values same or not using object |
191 | What is the purpose of using object is method |
192 | How do you copy properties from one object to other |
193 | What are the applications of assign method |
194 | What is a proxy object |
195 | What is the purpose of seal method |
196 | What are the applications of seal method |
197 | What are the differences between freeze and seal methods |
198 | How do you determine if an object is sealed or not |
199 | How do you get enumerable key and value pairs |
200 | What is the main difference between Object.values and Object.entries method |
201 | How can you get the list of keys of any object |
202 | How do you create an object with prototype |
203 | What is a WeakSet |
204 | What are the differences between WeakSet and Set |
205 | List down the collection of methods available on WeakSet |
206 | What is a WeakMap |
207 | What are the differences between WeakMap and Map |
208 | List down the collection of methods available on WeakMap |
209 | What is the purpose of uneval |
210 | How do you encode an URL |
211 | How do you decode an URL |
212 | How do you print the contents of web page |
213 | What is the difference between uneval and eval |
214 | What is an anonymous function |
215 | What is the precedence order between local and global variables |
216 | What are javascript accessors |
217 | How do you define property on Object constructor |
218 | What is the difference between get and defineProperty |
219 | What are the advantages of Getters and Setters |
220 | Can I add getters and setters using defineProperty method |
221 | What is the purpose of switch-case |
222 | What are the conventions to be followed for the usage of switch case |
223 | What are primitive data types |
224 | What are the different ways to access object properties |
225 | What are the function parameter rules |
226 | What is an error object |
227 | When you get a syntax error |
228 | What are the different error names from error object |
229 | What are the various statements in error handling |
230 | What are the two types of loops in javascript |
231 | What is nodejs |
232 | What is an Intl object |
233 | How do you perform language specific date and time formatting |
234 | What is an Iterator |
235 | How does synchronous iteration works |
236 | What is an event loop |
237 | What is call stack |
238 | What is an event queue |
239 | What is a decorator |
240 | What are the properties of Intl object |
241 | What is an Unary operator |
242 | How do you sort elements in an array |
243 | What is the purpose of compareFunction while sorting arrays |
244 | How do you reversing an array |
245 | How do you find min and max value in an array |
246 | How do you find min and max values without Math functions |
247 | What is an empty statement and purpose of it |
248 | How do you get metadata of a module |
249 | What is a comma operator |
250 | What is the advantage of a comma operator |
251 | What is typescript |
252 | What are the differences between javascript and typescript |
253 | What are the advantages of typescript over javascript |
254 | What is an object initializer |
255 | What is a constructor method |
256 | What happens if you write constructor more than once in a class |
257 | How do you call the constructor of a parent class |
258 | How do you get the prototype of an object |
259 | What happens If I pass string type for getPrototype method |
260 | How do you set prototype of one object to another |
261 | How do you check whether an object can be extendable or not |
262 | How do you prevent an object to extend |
263 | What are the different ways to make an object non-extensible |
264 | How do you define multiple properties on an object |
265 | What is MEAN in javascript |
266 | What Is Obfuscation in javascript |
267 | Why do you need Obfuscation |
268 | What is Minification |
269 | What are the advantages of minification |
270 | What are the differences between Obfuscation and Encryption |
271 | What are the common tools used for minification |
272 | How do you perform form validation using javascript |
273 | How do you perform form validation without javascript |
274 | What are the DOM methods available for constraint validation |
275 | What are the available constraint validation DOM properties |
276 | What are the list of validity properties |
277 | Give an example usage of rangeOverflow property |
278 | Is enums feature available in javascript |
279 | What is an enum |
280 | How do you list all properties of an object |
281 | How do you get property descriptors of an object |
282 | What are the attributes provided by a property descriptor |
283 | How do you extend classes |
284 | How do I modify the url without reloading the page |
285 | How do you check whether an array includes a particular value or not |
286 | How do you compare scalar arrays |
287 | How to get the value from get parameters |
288 | How do you print numbers with commas as thousand separators |
289 | What is the difference between java and javascript |
290 | Does JavaScript supports namespace |
291 | How do you declare namespace |
292 | How do you invoke javascript code in an iframe from parent page |
293 | How do get the timezone offset from date |
294 | How do you load CSS and JS files dynamically |
295 | What are the different methods to find HTML elements in DOM |
296 | What is jQuery |
297 | What is V8 JavaScript engine |
298 | Why do we call javascript as dynamic language |
299 | What is a void operator |
300 | How to set the cursor to wait |
301 | How do you create an infinite loop |
302 | Why do you need to avoid with statement |
303 | What is the output of the following for loops |
304 | List down some of the features of ES6 |
305 | What is ES6 |
306 | Can I redeclare let and const variables |
307 | Does the const variable make the value immutable |
308 | What are default parameters |
309 | What are template literals |
310 | How do you write multi-line strings in template literals |
311 | What are nesting templates |
312 | What are tagged templates |
313 | What are raw strings |