Laravel 9 Auth Scaffolding Example with Bootstrap 5
Table of Contents
Hi, everyone today in this tutorial I will teach you how to install Laravel 9 auth scaffolding in your Laravel 9 project. Let’s discuss about Lravel 9 Bootstrap scaffolding.
If you have a question about installing Lravel 9 Bootstrap 5 auth, then i will give you a simple example about this installation. So Auth is very importtant for in every project which y our built for your client.
In laravel 9 there are many different way to install authentication with many framework for example React JS, VUe js , Bootstrap and many more.
But today we will cover only basic Bootstrap auth and it is every to understand and install.
In Laravel UI Packages are use to authentication. Laravel UI provide the following authentication features.
User Login
User Registration
User Email verification
Password reset
For install the Laravel 9 auth scaffolding you must follow thiese simple and easy stemps
2. After createing your fresh Laravel project
Laravel 9 Install
- Open your terminal and run the this command
composer create-project laravel/laravel example-app
Install Laravel UI
2. Open your terminal and run following command to install Bootstrap UI.
composer require laravel/ui
Install Bootstrap Package
Next, you have to install the laravel UI package command for creating auth scaffolding using bootstrap 5. so let’s run the bellow command:
php aritsan ui bootstrap --auth
After this installation your will see this effect in your app/http/controller/auth directory.
Install Node JS Package
To install the node js package in your laravel project you run following command
npm install
Run npm run dev