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php mysql create table

PHP MySQL Create Table || Xampp 7.4.4

How To Create Table In MySql Server

PHP MySQL is a database management system which is deploy cloud base database . It is a high performance database engine. It have the core functionality it support desktop application integration like, c# , python and much more and all web application .

Before staring PHP MySQL database you should have install Xampp server on your pc or laptop . You can download here Xampp Server.

So in this tutorial we’ll learn how to create database and table in PHP MySQL.  There are two way to create table in MySQL Server.

  1. Direct Method (PHP MySQL Create Table)
  2. Using SQL Statement (PHP MySQL Create Table)

Direct Method :

To create table in MySQL follow these  simple step.

Step 01.     Open you Xampp server and run the Mysql and apache service.

php mysql create table

Step 02.     After start these service open you favorite web browser and enter the following address in address bar. http://localhost/phpmyadmin/  . The Main localhost page and database dashboard will be open like below. 


Step 03.     Click on the database table in the top and enter the database name and press enter.

php mysql create table

Step 04.      Click on the database in the left side and enter the table name and select the column according to your desire. So we create a simple table tbl_student which contain four column.

php mysql create table

Stpe 05.     Enter the column in the table structure with relevant data type and click on save button.

php mysql create table

Note the first column is primary and should be auto increment. So click on check AI and click Go.

php mysql create table

Step 06.     Click on the save  button in the write side. Now table creation have finished.

php mysql create table

2. PHP MySQL Create Table Using SQL Statement.

Open the data base choose SQL copy the following STQ Statement and past in you sql statement.

php mysql create table

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