
PHP MySql POS With Source Code

Original price was: $ 99.Current price is: $ 79.

Key Features Of Project:

free php mysql pos with source code have the following key features.

Master Profile:

  1. Item Master Profile
  2. Item Search Record
  3. Item Category Profile
  4. Item UOM Profile
  5. Service profile
  6. Vendor Profile
  7. customer profile
  8. Invoice Term and Condition Profile
  9. Quotation Term And Condition Profile


  1. Purchase Invoice
  2. Purchase History
  3. Purchase Filter
  4. Sales Invoice
  5. Sales History
  6. Sales Quotation
  7. Quotation History
  8. Commission Management


  1. Chart Of Accounts
  2. Income Voucher
  3. Expense Voucher
  4. Search Voucher
  5. Payment Collection
  6. Customer R/A History
  7. Outstanding Invoice


  1. Purchase Report
  2. Vendor Wise Purchase Report
  3. Vendor or Supplier Ledger
  4. Monthly Purchase Report
  5. Stock Tracking Report
  6. Stock Balance Report
  7. Sales Report
  8. Daily Sale Report And Monthly
  9. Item Wise Sale Repot
  10. Customer Wise Sale Report
  11. Commission Report

Accounts Reports:

  1. Account Ledger
  2. Collection Report
  3. Expenses Report
  4. Profit Loss Statement / Income Statement
  5. Balance Sheet
  6. Trail Balance

How To Install?

Step 1. Install latest Xamp server .

Step 2. Create blanck database with the name of “gss_cccam”.

Step 3. Open the db folder in the project then import the db file gss_cccam.

Step 4. Open your browser enter this url:https://localhost/oriental_tech/main/index.php

Step 5. Enjoy the project

username: admin

password: admin*_*


In this system admin can perform the main role he can add, update, delete and search record. He can access to mange the product profile, product category, uom profile,sale, sales quotations, purchase order, purchase, daily transaction related to account income , expenses and all reports




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