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Pharmacy POS Software

The Best Pharmacy POS Software Version 2021

Pharmacy POS Software

User Login:

Th pharmacy pos software is have the multiple user account you can add or update and assign the role to the user which you want.

Pharmacy POS Software

Pharmacy POS Dashboard:

In admin dashboard have the following features:-

  1. User Profile
  2. Sales Status
  3. Stock Status
  4. Cash Report
  5. Chart Of Account
  6. Customer Profile
  7. Item Profile
  8. UOM Setting
  9. Item Category
  10. Stock In
  11. Sales Invoice
  12. Distribute Invoice
  13. Invoice History
  14. Sales Return
  15. Accounts Voucher
  16. Accounts Ledger
  17. Right Click Menu
  18. Status Bar


The Essential Features Are Follow:

In the new version of pharmacy pos have lot of featurs but here I describe some essential operation about this software. So you can compare this any other pharmacy POS software .

Item Category

Pharmacy POS Software

In this pharmacy pos software the item category have following features are:-

  1. Create Category
  2. Edit Category
  3. Delete Category

UOM (Unit Of Measure)

Pharmacy POS Software

In this Pharmacy POS Software UOM are not set in hard code. Here you can manage

  1. Create new unit for example kg. letter, set ,pack and bag etc.
  2. Update UOM
  3. Delete UOM

So one you create unit it is automatically list in item master profile there you can assign it any product which related to this UOM.

Item Master Profile

Pharmacy POS Software

In Pharmacy POS Software item master profile how to create your item or medicine profile so let’s.

Step 01. Click on refresh button

Step 02. Enter the batch No.

Step 03. Enter Medicine Name and description

Step 04: Select Product Category which you create in category profile.

Step 05: Select the UOM which you created in UOM profile and assign it.

Step 06. Enter re-order level of your product.

Step 07. Set the Maximum level of product it alert when your stock reach this level.

Step 08. Enter the location or shelf number of product.

Step 09. If is your product is bridgeable then select yes other wise no.

Step 10. Select narcotics if its sale is restrict.

Step 11. Enter your cost or purchase rate in cost price column.

Step 12. Enter Sale price in sale column.

Step 13. Enter packing of tablet.

Step 14. Enter opening stock if you have.

Step 15. Set the experiment date of your item.

Step 16. Un-check  if not active .

Item Lookup

Pharmacy POS Software

If your want to view or search any item click on the item search icon which have in item master profile. And a lookup will appear here you can search by item batch no. and item name. The search box search the item with character .select the item by double clicking on select item.

Customer Profile

Pharmacy POS Software

To use this profile you can manager multiple account these are follow.

  1. Create patient or customer profile here
  2. Create Supplier profile
  3. Edit and update record
  4. Assign Group to the customer and supplier.
  5. Set the opening balance the opening balance may be debit and credit.


Chart Of Account

Pharmacy POS Software

To manage your business and get the custom reporting you need to set and create the chart of account which you need. It have the following featurs

  1. Crate cash account
  2. Create patty cash account
  3. Create Expenses Account (shop rent, electricity bill, gas bill , staff salary etc.)
  4. Create Income Account i.e Sales Revenue.
  5. Create Capital Account
  6. Create All liabilities Account
  7. Edit any account.
  8. Delete the account
  9. Assign the group
  10. Enter opening balance.

Stock Entry (Purchase Invoice)

Pharmacy POS Software

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