What is JavaScript? Introduction and Overview
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Javascript is a high level computer programming which use in html websites as a frontend and most of the javascript framework are used as a backend development an other way we say it server side scripting language.
The most of java script lanaguages which use to frontend development include React js. Vue.js and Node js and Next js are use to develop backend programming and server side scripting.
Javascript is a versatile programming language used to make websites interactive and dynamic.
It is one of the core technologies of the web, along with HTML and CSS.
What is Javascript? | Key Features of JavaScript
- Client-Side Execution
- Event-Driven Programming
- Cross-Platform Compatibility
- Dynamic Websites and apps development.
- Lightweight and Fast Framework.
Example of JavaScript
const currentHour = new Date().getHours();
let greeting;
if (currentHour < 12) {
greeting = "Good morning!";
} else if (currentHour < 18) {
greeting = "Good afternoon!";
} else {
greeting = "Good evening!";
Why Learn JavaScript?
JavaScript is essential for web development due to its
- High demand in the tech industry
- Wide range of applications (web, mobile, server-side)
- Large and supportive community